Meditation for beginners The aim of this course is to learn meditation using spirituality as the foundation for a meditation practice. The course teaches a simple method to meditate, enhances your concentration and enables you to gain a deeper understanding of the self. This course is recommended for those who are interested in meditation, who are new to Brahma Kumaris Rajayoga meditation, and those who would like to explore a spiritual path. The course is generally offered every month.
Rajayoga meditation and Self-realization This course has two parts. Part one will introduce spiritual concepts that enhance self-realization, includes meditation practice and will deepen your understanding of the inner self. It will also expand on the power of thoughts. Part two builds on the concepts taught in part one. It provides a new perspective on the circumstances and situations that we go through in our lives.
The course will explore our inner powers, the journey through time and space and the history and geography of humanity from a spiritual perspective. It will facilitate your discovery to self-realization in an efficient and effective way using deeper meditation techniques.
Self development talks These talks offer an opportunity to hear from an experienced meditators on how to use spirituality in daily life. Each talk will focus on a specific topic and will include some meditation. Some examples are: Managing Anger, Positive Thinking, Managing Stress, etc. These talks are offered twice a month.
Mini Retreats Take time out over the weekends to go deeper into a spiritual experience. The content of these retreats varies, from meditation for beginners, Rajayoga meditation and Self-realization, Inner Peace and Inner Power, and other self development topics. Retreats are typically 5 hours and request that they be attended in their entirety. Depending on the content of the retreat some prerequisites might apply. The retreats are offered every other month.
Power Boost Tuesday Give yourself a 20 minute boost of spiritual wisdom and insights by an experienced meditator. There will be an opportunity to ask questions to deepen your understanding. Takes place every Tuesday from 7:30 to 7:50pm followed by 10 minutes of Q&A.
Evening meditation Take time to unwind your mind everyday with a group of meditators. You will have the opportunity to practice meditation with guided commentary, silence and also listen to 'Food for Thought' , which is a short insightful message. Offered every evening except on Saturdays.